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Hawthorne Hills Golf Simulators

For simulator reservations, book online below or call 262-268-7701. All fees are due at the time of the reservation. Times may be reserved up to 30 days in advance. Reservations for the same day must be done by calling the golf shop.

Cancellation Policy: At least 24 hours’ notice must be given to cancel or make changes to a simulator time. You may do this during our business hours either in person or over the phone by calling (262) 268-7701. Changes and cancellations may also be made on the website. The credit card holder is responsible for all players in the group within the tee time. Cancellations within the 24-hour period will be charged the full public simulator hourly rate, unless the tee time is filled by another group. Please do not send e-mails requesting tee times, changes, or cancellations.

Please sign in to have the ability to book a tee time, book a simulator, or edit/cancel your current bookings.

Book Online

Hours of Operation:

Tuesday thru Thursday: 10am-5pm for open play.

Tuesday thru Thursday:  5pm-9pm for league play

Friday thru Sunday: 10am-8pm for open play

Open Play Hourly Rates: $35/hour plus tax

Simulator Golf Leagues!

League Play:

  • 2-Person League - 8 Teams
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (8 weeks)

Leagues Dates:

  • March 10th through May 1st (8-teams per league) 5pm-7pm and 7pm-9pm

League Fee: $200 plus tax per person includes;

  • Simulator fee.
  • Cash skins each week.
  • $100 final week hole event prizes for 5th thru 8th place teams.
  • 1st thru 4th place prizes - Summer rounds of golf.

League Format:

  • 2-person teams, 9-Hole Net Stroke play.
  • Low net team score receives 8 points, 2nd - 7 points, etc. each week.
  • Skins

Additional Information:

  • Reservations are in one-hour increments for open play.
  • There is no limit to the number of players for each simulator per hour.
  • Sales tax (5%) is not included in the hourly rate.
  • There is no discount for a Discount ID card holder.
  • You may use your own clubs.
  • Tennis shoes are recommended.

Simulator Golf League Signup

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© Ozaukee County Golf Courses

Hawthorne Hills Golf Course
4720 County Highway I
Saukville, WI 53080
(262) 268-7701

Mee-Kwon Park Golf Course
6333 West Bonniwell Road
Mequon, WI 53097
(262) 242-1310